Sunday, March 19, 2017


      In an invigorating dialogue with participants in THE FACILITATION COURSE on September 14th, a woman asked me:

"If I know the answer and what I know is a fact, why not just tell it to the students?"

    Let's consider two approaches.

A.    What's the capital of the state of North Carolina?  Raleigh. Done!  

 B.    How about: The capital of the state of North Carolina is Raleigh. Look at this map of the state: 
     Why do you think Raleigh was the choice for the capitol?  
     What other city might have been considered?  
     How does Raleigh being the capital serve the state?

Where is the better learning?  Where are learners engaged, cognitively, affectively, actively?  I have often said there are three
things that make Dialogue Education work: in this order: time, time and time.  Approach B takes more time; students can work in pairs and respond to the questions, then share in the larger group. Try this with the capital of Armenia!  or  AFGHANISTAN!