Sunday, March 19, 2017



What power does an old lady have? While I can swim
hard, and read up a storm and even write a good line…
these gifts are nothing compared to what the good poet
Keats called negative capability.

My power these days is manifested in the natural
vulnerability of 84 years: folks step in to help me when I
show my need; they laugh with me at my foibles and
weaknesses; they eat my over-roasted vegetables with
gracious thanks; they pick me up from the deck when I
fall and set me gently into my recliner; they tease me
chuckling at my able forgettery – What was the fellow’s
name?; they call me “ How are you? “ just to be sure I
am doing well. My sweet, smart priest comes for coffee
– what a joy that is!

Here’s an example of the power of aging vulnerability:
I was scheduled last month to do a Skype conference
call for a graduate student who was completing her
doctoral work. I had prepared hard, and sent an email to
my colleagues on the committee with my comments on
Nancy’s thesis. Then, Skype announced that it was not
working! So I spent the time of the conference call
listening to the others speak on Nancy’s phone! I was
silenced. My friends who heard of the event celebrated Nancy’s
major achievement: “You silenced Jane!” Hmmm! 
That was my friends laughing! Now that’s power!

My mantra these days is “Jane rocks!” Young Zachary
reminded me that that phrase has two meanings: I
mean only one: what my recliner does naturally.
Rocking and reading, watching films, writing, chatting
with friends – that’s power!

I often say: “You’ve got to walk slow to keep up with
me!” And I swim fast and hard every morning. I am
deeply contented sitting and rocking by my fire, or on
my back porch!

Vulnerability and contentment – that’s power at 84!

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