I am making history here on the back porch: by resting!
At rest, I read differently:
slowly, chewing the feelings and ideas until they are digestible and fruitful,
giving me strength because they are now mine.
At rest, I can snooze a lot,
and dream. The dreams are rich and
vital, telling me more than all the books I read! How about the latest dream: I have a house full of company – hundreds of
men and women! And no food
ready! I think: I can make a big pot of pasta!
At rest, I can watch great
old films – laughing and crying, celebrating the art and the stories. At rest I can watch
and hear opera – singing along and
sometime directing the Met Orchestra, weeping when the lovely lady dies…
At rest, I can
pray…relentlessly thanking GOD for blessing with GOD’S surprises all whom I
name…confidently thanking GOD for particular gifts for particular
folks…continuously thanking GOD for my life and loves
rest, I can imagine a world where the Great Reversal is being implemented:
Where teachers ask and show
and do not tell
food is plentiful and healthy and accessible to all
Where a church includes women
(Acts 1:10)
Where factories making arms
are now making solar panels and windmill turbines
Where we all travel on
buses and trains and automobiles are in a museum
At rest, I can design the next
dinner party, the next tea on the back porch: with fruit of the season and
sweet southern tea! At rest,
I can wait patiently, in wonder and awe, in thanks and praise, in sweet
reveries and excited anticipation for the next of GOD’s surprises.
The rest is, indeed, history!
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